Resources & Tips

Industry insights from the eCommerce trenches.
October 26, 2019
What As An Amazon Giveaway And How Does It Work?
Now the fun begins! Build anticipation for your giveaway about 48 hours before the start. Use email marketing, social media, brand influencers, and more to get your giveaway in front of as many potential customers as possible.
October 26, 2019
The Ultimate Guide To Success Using Amazon’s Brand Registry
Once you’re a part of the Brand Registry, you’ll gain access to a powerful set of tools that can help protect your brand and ensure that consumers feel comfortable with your company.
October 26, 2019
Amazon Stores Updates: What You Need To Know (2019)
Amazon has introduced a slew of innovative, exciting features for Amazon Store owners and marketers to take advantage of. Store owners can now work on tweaks small and large to improve source tags, integrate background videos into their Store pages, and gain greater insights into their Stores’ metrics.
October 26, 2019
Amazon Born To Run: Everything You Need To Know
Amazon has implemented a new program designed to make the process of launching new products quicker and more straightforward for vendors. The Born to Run Program offers vendors the ability to sell off large initial buy quantities to Amazon in exchange for full return rights and an investment in the platform’s marketing services.
October 26, 2019
What Is Customer LTV In ECommerce And How Is It Measured?
Customer Lifetime Value (LTV, CLV,) is a method for determining the estimated projected revenue from a patron over the length of time they are customers of your business. When you know the value of their repeat business, you can decide how much you should invest in customer retention, as well as customer acquisition.
October 25, 2019
Amazon Stores Updates: What You Need To Know (2019)
Amazon has introduced a slew of innovative, exciting features for Amazon Store owners and marketers to take advantage of. Store owners can now work on tweaks small and large to improve source tags, integrate background videos into their Store pages, and gain greater insights into their Stores’ metrics.

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